“I would say the most important part of our experience with East On is their agility when it comes to broadcast projects. They’ve helped us drive multiple complex projects for different customers with different requirements and different pressures. They can pull together all those threads and work with our technology teams and in some cases build for technology projects.”
ITV Newsroom
15000 ft²
East On Projects were asked to project manage the Design & Build of the ITV newsroom as part of the overall redevelopment work of all broadcast facilities at ITN’s famous Grays Inn Road building in London.
This project was part of an overarching scheme to enhance the building’s facilities whilst maintaining ongoing broadcasting for one of the world’s leading news channels. It required moving the entire newsroom elsewhere within the same building, involving out of hours relocations with a complex (if temporary) programme of prewiring and environment preparation.
The longer-term challenge was to update and futureproof the newsroom from a technological perspective and to match this with a layout and furniture that meets 21st century needs. In both cases, the current newsroom was no longer fit for purpose. Throughout the project, there were change requests which we needed to incorporate with minimal impact on deadline and budget.
What we did:
Putting people at the heart of this scheme, we conducted an in-depth review, with all staff asked to contribute their suggestions for a better-functioning newsroom workspace. This was combined with a full technical programme covering everything from design and strip out through to M&E works, IT and structured cabling.
A highlight of the scheme was the interior design of the office space, breakout areas including acoustic booths for private discussions, kitchen/ café area and edit suites. All designed to meet current requirements for both hybrid working and a 24 hour news cycle with softer furnishings and muted colours plus sit/stand desks for adaptable user posture.

The newsroom is now back in its home with collaborative working at the heart of its operation. Each team, from editing, graphics, media management and reporters, is working with the latest technology which can be easily upgraded as requirements change – all delivered on time.
Bonus Result:
We have also designed and installed a brand new digital studio which includes one of the broadcast world’s first mobile video walls. More will follow on this very exciting part of the project so please watch this space!